
Since 2009, Funam­bules Médias has been work­ing in schools to offer video train­ing and image edu­ca­tion pro­grams for young peo­ple. In col­lab­o­ra­tion with young peo­ple and the Car­refour Jeunesse Emploi de Riv­ière-des-Prairies, the orga­ni­za­tion has car­ried out a project aimed at free­ing the speech of par­tic­i­pants and anoth­er project, car­ried out in col­lab­o­ra­tion with SUCO, around the issue of food deserts. The orga­ni­za­tion also par­tic­i­pates in the Cul­ture à l’é­cole pro­gram by work­ing on videos that address the issue of bul­ly­ing at school.

Among the young peo­ple Funam­bules Médias is keen to reach are mar­gin­al­ized pop­u­la­tions and young peo­ple from rein­te­gra­tion pro­grams. Our train­ing cours­es are designed to raise aware­ness of images and of the impor­tant issues of our time, and to pro­vide them with a space for cre­ation and expres­sion that is essen­tial to their eman­ci­pa­tion. By col­lab­o­rat­ing in the real­iza­tion of a video project, young peo­ple learn to work as a team, to con­front their points of view, and to show per­se­ver­ance and deter­mi­na­tion; essen­tial qual­i­ties that they will be able to rein­vest through­out their life.